Established in October 2014, the Bhutan Toilet Organization (BTO) began as a citizen-engagement social media campaign led by Mr. Passang Tshering, an Educator and Blogger. It aimed to fix responsibility and accountability for the condition of public toilets in the country. Recognizing the need for broader action, the group evolved from blame attribution to proactive collaboration in the sector.
Between 2015 and 2016, BTO actively managed toilet facilities during events and seized opportunities for involvement in the sector. This period allowed the group to gain in-depth insights and establish partnerships with various stakeholders, including the Government, and other developmental partners.

In response to growing needs, BTO was officially registered and recognized as a Civil Society Organization (CSO) in December 2016. The organization was also honoured with the National Order of Merit (Gold Medal) and its founder, Mr. Passang Tshering, was conferred the title Chablop (Toilet Teacher) by His Majesty the King for their commendable work during the preceding two years, reinforcing the significance of its mission.

Since obtaining CSO status, BTO has achieved significant milestones. This includes establishing a permanent secretariat, forming vital partnerships with donors, implementing various projects, innovating toilet solutions, bringing in the best technologies and building a robust network of voluntary ambassadors and supporters across the nation.
Noteworthy initiatives include portable toilet services, event toilet management, bedside toilet initiative, standardizing public toilet facilities, upgrading school and monastic institution toilets, introducing household sewer treatment tanks, improving rural toilet construction, pressing for better toilet at construction site, temporary settlements and camping sites, working on mainstreaming accessible toilets, emergency toilets for disaster response and several others, all made possible through generous support from local and international partners.

BTO’s work has garnered acclaim from government organizations, CSOs, development partners, and society at large. Its presence has grown extensively, with active networks in all 20 Dzongkhags.
The organization remains committed to its mission of providing universal access to clean and safe toilets, upholding human dignity, and improving the quality of life for every Bhutanese. Through continued dedication and collaborative efforts, BTO strives to make a lasting impact on sanitation in Bhutan.


Universal access to clean, safe toilets for improved health, dignity, and quality of life.


Bhutan Toilet Organization (BTO) is an agent of change dedicated to advocating for universal access to clean and safe toilets to enhance health, preserve human dignity, and elevate the quality of life for every Bhutanese. In collaboration with the government, we strive towards achieving SDG 6, through widespread awareness, robust infrastructure development, strategic partnerships, and active citizen volunteerism.

Board Members

Dr. Lam Dorji


Mr. Kinley Penjor

Board Member

Mr. Rinchen Wangdi

Board Member

Mrs. Sonam Pem

Board Member

Chablop Passang

Board Member

Mr. Karma Wangchuk

Board member

Mrs. Sonam Pem

Board member

Staff Members

Chablop Passang Tshering

Executive Director

Jigme Nidup Gyeltshen

Program Officer

Tshedrup Dorji

Programme Officer (On unpaid Leave)

Sara Ogawa

Advisor, Japan

Dechen Tshomo

Office Assistant

Kezang Tshomo

Manager, Toilet Enterprise

Sonam Tenzin

Intern, Assistant Accounts

Jigme Dema


Karan Urao

Web Manager (Drawah Tech Space)

Sujan Gurung

Intern, Project Assistant

Pema Dorji

Intern, Project Assistant


Small contribution but impact on the nation



Small contribution but impact on the nation



During the closing ceremony of the second Royal Flower exhibition, His Majesty the King granted the title “Chablop (Toilet Teacher)” to our Executive Director/Founder Mr.Passang Tshering.



On National Day 2016, His Majesty the King conferred the National Order of Merit (Gold) upon the Bhutan Toilet Organization.