Autumn Newsletter

Summer Newsletter 2023

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Bedside Toilets At Healthcare Centers In Paro.

Today, we made a presentation on the bedside toilets to the health workers of Paro Dzongkhag. We demonstrated how to use it and how it can change the lives of the sick and old people who come to the hospital during critical times. After the presentation, we formally handed over 16 units of bedside toilets […]

CSO Contribution to Sanitation in Bhutan

Today, as we celebrate World Toilet Day, we would like to highlight the CSOs’ humble contributions to national sanitation goals. Emergence of national CSOs in sanitation sector is a recent development yet we took up the role to raise civic responsibility to complement government’s efforts like never before. Big shout out to CSOs who helped […]

Accessible toilets in public spaces

  MoA with Project Nyamdrel under Helvetas and IDEA International to mainstream accessible toilets in public spaces, institution,s and households. We are happy to have signed the MoA with Project Nyamdrel under Helvetas and IDEA International to mainstream accessible toilets in public spaces, institution and households. This is the beginning of an exciting journey towards […]

Training for toilet managers

Toilet managers are trained to operate tourist standard restroom facilities professionally. Fourteen more toilet managers are trained to operate tourist standard restroom facilities professionally. They are oriented on the process of cleaning a toilet effectively using the right sequence and tools, which are provided. They are also given hands-on training to fix common electrical and […]

Bedside Toilets at Healthcare centers in Haa.

Haa Shows an Example Philanthropist Tshering Tobgay, the owner of Metta Resort & Spa, Paro, Bhutan donated 24 units of bedside toilets for healthcare centers in Haa, his home Dzongkhag. Based on a survey by SNV, which pointed out that most of the healthcare centers don’t have accessible toilets for senior citizens, pregnant women, and […]

Toilet facilities during the three-day events at Ramo Thangka, Paro

We feel so privileged and blessed to have been given the responsibility to set up toilet facilities during the three-day event at Ramthangkha, Paro, where His Holiness the Je Khenpo introduced the Bhiksuni vows by ordaining 144 nuns. The event is known to be of global importance, one that will go down into history. Understanding […]

Toilet Management Training for RSA Managers

Three years ago, on Her Majesty the Queen Jetsun Pema ‘s birthday, we began School Toilet Project, which became a big success covering 2800 toilets in 19 dzongkhags. Yet again today, we began Roadside Amenities(RSA) managers’ training to bring professionalism to Toilet management. It’s in collaboration with the Tourism Council of Bhutan to build the […]

WASH in Emergency

Two years ago, when we urgently needed toilets in so many places, we had to manage with whatever we could get our hands on.The pandemic has prepared us better in many ways; the toilet is no exception.Thanks to World Health Organization Bhutan, now we have access to 200 units of emergency toilets that can be installed […]

Certificate of Appreciation

Our efforts in raising Menstrual hygiene awareness and safe disposal of used pads, spreading of #padbin idea and taking the red dot campaign places during our school tours have been recognized during the Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022. The parton of the Red Dot Bhutan, Her Royal Highness the Princess Eeuphelma Choden Wangchuk, awarded certificates to […]

Training on Right to WASH for CSOs partners

We conducted a training for our CSO partners to understand and advocate for Rights to WASH. We highlighted on the living conditions of the municipal workers dwelling in temporary camps and their access to adequate WASH facilities. We look forward to collaborative efforts in ensuring they lead a dignified life

Stall at Tamchog Restroom

Today we installed refreshment stall at Tamchog Restroom.It’s done based on the assessment feedback from the Tourism Council of Bhutan not to sell refreshments from the toilet. We have also repaired the taps, hand dryers and other electrical items. We repainted the windows and rectified all the plumbing issues as suggested by the evaluation report. […]

Protecting Rights of Sanitation Workers

We spent the weekend meaningfully engaging with the Thimphu Thromde workforce on understanding the rights of the sanitation workers and the general workforce. We were up against a lot of surprises during the hearty discussion with officials and supervisors. We didn’t know the people who toil so hard to keep our city clean, are living […]

Women Leadership in WASH – A capacity development workshop

Paro Dzongkha has the most number of women elected to various LG leadership positions. Eleven of them attended a capacity development workshop titled “Women Leadership in WASH” We hope to see significant development in their villages and geogs in the field of WASH during their leadership. #WomenLeadership#WomeninWASH#WASHFANSA BhutanSanitation and Water for All

Climate Resilience WASH Solution Workshop

CSO partners met last week to share our institutional capacity and knowledge on Climate Resilient #WASH Solutions and put them all on the table so that we don’t reinvent the wheel. We agreed to consult and support each other when involved in similar projects. Supported by @NewVentureFund through @SWA and @FANSA, the workshop was attended […]

Toilets Among Glaciers

We are most happy to receive these pictures from Lunana, where Principal Phub Gyeltshen and his colleagues in Lunana Pry. School have completed upgrading 8 units of pit latrines in their school. They will also support two ECRs in Thangza and Meldrelthang in upgrading four units each. Some 88 students and 12 staff will enjoy […]

Emergency Toilets

Every day there is a new requirement for toilet facilities at the duty stations. On average, it is five toilets per day in Thimphu alone since the lockdown came into effect. We wonder what we would have done with the massive demand if we hadn’t accessed these ready-made emergency toilets from World Health Organization Bhutan. […]

Toilets during National Lockdown

We know the pain and desperation of having to look for a toilet when all the doors are closed. You can’t walk into people’s home during such times. From Pangrizampa to Babesa, we have placed some seven toilets at the designated duty outposts for the frontline officials, especially the female officials. It’s for all of […]

Launch of National Documents

1. National Public Toilet Guidelines 2. National Sanitation and Hygiene Policy 2020 3. Nation Strategy for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Healthcare Facilities The above three important documents are launched at the 5th BWASH Cluster Meeting by the sector partners. These documents will guide the path forward.

World Toilet day at mithrup Lhakhang

We are most happy to be able to celebrate #WorldToiletDay with monks at Mithrup Lhakhang, the pathway to the afterlife. For the last one week, we were working on upgrading 15 units of toilets in the monks’ residence in collaboration with @RHP, Dratsang. The completion of the project coincided with the important day. We had […]

Toilet management sensitization workshop at CLCS, Taktse

It has been the most fulfilling weekend in College of Language and Culture Studies where we could meet and spend two days with the 95 members of Rigzung Toilet Org (RTO). Upon the invitation of RTO coordinator Younten Jamtsho, we co-created the workshop to deepen their awareness, enhance their skills and to acknowledge their voluntary […]

Nup Tshona Pata Toilet

To preserve the pristine mountains of Nubtshonapata from getting polluted by human waste from increasing number of visitors, the management of Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve (JKSNR), DoFPS asked us to design a suitable toilet for the popular pilgrimage site. We designed four units, two for Tsang camp(first night halt) and other two for Tshona […]

Vacancy Announcement

Position: Program Officer Position Level: P5 Salary Scale: 17,495-350-22,745 with PF and Gratuity as per service rules Minimum Qualification: University Degree in suitable field of study Place of Posting: BTO Office, Kawajangsa, Thimphu Terms of Reference Be responsible and accountable for the overall adherence to the Internal Organization Rules and Regulations in execution of their […]

Tsirang Dratshang Toilet

Away from the capital, we assume things to be worse but our visit to Tsirang Dratsang change it all. Here is Tsirang, we came to improve their ten unit toilets but turns out that the toilets don’t need any fixing. They are in the best shape possible. This is probably due to the 3 toilet […]

Dagapela monastic school Toilet Upgradation

The occasional puff of smell from the toilet was bothering the little monks in Dagapela monastic school, which is otherwise equipped with all the good facilities. The toilet looked clean but it smelled. The mystery smell comes from the septic tank underneath, in the absence of smell trap. We have the experience of upgrading such […]

Toilet at Sorchen

So many people pass through Sorchen everyday, but only one person ever complaint about the lack of toilet facility at the transhipment point. That’s the owner of Universal Genuine Parts Mr Thinley D Dendup. After complaining, he realised he must do more than complaining. He called us and asked if we could help him built […]

Pema Gatshel Schools Toilet Upgradation

Pemagatsel is the 19th Dzongkhag we have covered under our school toilet project. Some 20 participants from various schools will go back with the new skill and technology to upgrade over 80 toilets in the coming days. S amdrup Jongkhar is the last Dzongkhag we are eagerly waiting to penetrate. Can’t wait for the Pandemic […]

Third Batch Toilet Management Training

“We would keep the toilets clean if only we have enough time to carry out the cleaning. We have to sweep, mop, vacuum, make tea, open gates, do gardening, buy doma… there is hardly any time to focus on the toilet. “In the end, we get scolded for unflushed toilets and doma spit in the […]

Rare Toilet from The Past

A wooden sitting toilet existed in Bhutan way before we were exposed to European toilet pots.However, we haven’t developed it further or made it common among general public. It was kept as an exclusive toilet for certain leaders and lam. It’s so exclusive that perhaps there may be only a dozen or so in Bhutan..

Jamten Gonpa Toilet Upgradation

The monks at Jamten Gonpa didn’t hesitate a tiny bit to get their hands dirty in making their toilet better. Their 5 units #aquaprivy toilet is upgraded using SATO pan. Once they understood the technology, they requested for 2 additional pans to build night toilet attached to their hostel. It’s really necessary because some of […]

Toilet for Stoke Survivor

Happiness room for Aum Yeshey and her three daughters During the first lockdown, Aum Yeshey suffered from stroke. Though she survived, she lost mobility on the left half of her body. Until then, she was raising her three daughters by weaving Kira. But since the fateful day she couldn’t even reach the shared toilet in […]

Why are Bhutanese Toilet So Dirty?

This video explores the depth of our social and cultural landscape to have a closer look at the causes of dirty toilets in the country. We all love a clean toilet but collectively we don’t work toward getting it. Why? We want the messages in this video to reach everyone who could make a difference. […]

Chabto in Dzongs

We are sitting with friends from Dratshang and Thromde and Brainstorming how #Chabto could be used in the attics of the Dzongs to curb the issue lack of toilet. Do you know that the monks, some very young, have to climb down hundreds of stairs to get to the common toilet on the ground floor […]

Yalama Apa – Toilet Etiquettes

Our cute little video “Yalama Ama” is one of the most viewed videos on our YouTube Channel. We give you permission to use this video for toilet education purpose. If you subscribe to our channel, we have more videos you could use.

Commode Chair and BK Toilet safety frame available at BTO

Commode Chair Following numerous calls asking us about the chair-toilet, which is sold at Kuenphen Medical, we decided to get some pieces of it and retail from our office. This will save the hassle of sending people over to their shop. It can be used as potty next to the bed with the bucket or […]

Toilet Management Training

The Cleaners who attend our Toilet Managers Training will never look at their job the same way. They would have realized how important their contributions are to society. They would perform their job so well that everyone would notice the professionalism in them. They would have acquired basic skills in plumbing, electrical, carpentry and masonry […]

Toilet for Kidney Patient in Kabesa

Our family joined the Bhutan Kidney Foundation founder Tashi Namgay to build a toilet for one of his kidney patients in Kabesa on Saturday. The patient is a mother of three school going children. They live in a cozy cottage at the edge of the woods. With the toilet the family is safe from many […]

Eastern Dzongkhag Schools Toilet Up-Gradation

We started our journey to the east on 19th Febuary 2021. We modified our pick up truck to carry over 500 SATO pans (boxes removed) for the five dzongkhags we are planning to visit; 1. Bumthang (with Trongsa) 2. Lhuntse 3. Mongar 4. Trashigang 5. Trashiyangtse All pit latrines and old aqua privy toilets will […]

BTO’s 8th Board Meeting, 29th Jan 2021

We are pleased to announce the despite the lockdown we managed to hold the 8th Board Meeting on 29th Jan 2021. We thank V-TOB for helping us with the Zoom License to hold the meeting.

SATO toilets for PoEs

Trashigang Toilet Network has added 8 more units of SATO toilets PoEs under Thrimshing Drungkhag.Much appreciation Trashigang Ambassador, Desup Karma for coordinating the project with stakeholders and furthering our mission of clean and safe toilets.

Grateful to CDCL

Grateful to CDCL for giving their ready-made site toilet for the duty officials at Thimphu Gate. With all our portable toilets deployed, this was a perfect alternative, especially for lady officials, because for men we have I stalled portable urinals.

Toilet Requirement in the COVID-19 Protocol

Today we received several requests for portable toilets. We felt helpless since all our portable toilet were deployed on various duties since last summer. Even if we have them all here, it won’t be enough. With separate toilet made mandatory at business outlets for the incoming driver, we would like to offer two alternatives. 1. […]

Toilet Gift on 113th National Day

A heartwarming story of how our Zhemgang ambassador, Sancha Rai celebrated 113th National Day by upgrading a girl toilet that has been neglected for some time. Click here

Dagana School Toilet up-gradation

We are touched by hon’ble MP Surjaman Thapa’s warm gesture in receiving us at Sunkosh Bridge to his Dzongkhag. He heard the news of us coming to Dagana and waited on us to welcome us and express his gratitude for bringing the project to his dzongkhag. He offered his home for our stay. In the […]

Handing-Taking went wrong?

Tiles are supposed to beautify the toilet and not ruin the ambience and make it look haunted.In this toilet, the builder has completely forgotten to clean the black tiles after leaking cement all over. The whole wall looks like an unflushed toilet pot. The worst workmanship ever. The question is how did this happen? Was […]